Dress For Success

The New Year has begun and not surprisingly, so many have already abandoned their
hopes of fulfilling their resolutions. The repetitive goals are timeless: eat healthier,
exercise more, and eliminate bad habits. Many women even update their wardrobes to
gain a new vibe on how they feel. So, while designer labels reflect the designer—I ask
who do we reflect?

Can I make a fashion suggestion for this new year? The wardrobe is one size fits all
and can be found advertised in Ephesians 6 where Paul concludes his passionate
instructions to the church with “Finally, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Put
on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms”
(Ephesians 6: 10—11). There is no money back guarantee
because its durability is documented by countless people all over the world and even
down through the ages.

So, what does this outfit entail? Paul presents it piece by piece which solves any
apprehension of figuring it out for yourself. He was introduced to it in the fashionable
city of Rome where he hung out with some Roman soldiers.

The first piece is “the belt of truth.” We all know that belts can be used to accessorize
but they also are used to protect our core. A strong core is crucial to having the proper
support for any quick movements. So, what is the belt of truth? “The sum of your word
is truth. And every one of your righteous ordinances are everlasting”
(Psalm 119:160).
It is knowing the word of God. Do NOT simply follow man but study the word yourself.
Run everything you do through biblical truths. When studying the word of God
remember context is king. If someone you admire is teaching something that your spirit
discerns is not accurate pull out the Word. Pull out commentaries. Ask a Pastor you

Next put on the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate protects your vital
organs and especially your heart. “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it
springs the issues of life”
(Proverbs 4:23). Righteousness is not made up of the good
deeds we do. As women, we are prone to find our righteousness in trying to be perfect
but that is impossible as all our righteousness is like filthy rags before a holy and just
God. (Isaiah 64:6) It is putting on the righteousness of Christ so when God looks at us,
He no longer sees our humanity but God Himself sees Christ.

Now for the right shoes. It wouldn’t be practical to wear stilettos to a sporting event.
For this attire, we are told to have our feet shod in the gospel of peace. Instead of
putting on your fancy shoes, put on those tried-and-true shoes that bring “peace and
good news”
wherever you go.

Forget the pocketbook and grab that shield of faith. This accessory is designed for
movement. I wouldn’t leave home without it. It is the best addition to our attire to tackle
everything we will encounter in our culture. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things not seen”
(Hebrews 11:1). In battle, Roman soldiers would
kneel together locking arms with their shields to protect their body as a single unit. It’s a
beautiful thought to realize we can take cover with other women under the shield of a
prayer meeting, bible study, or corporate worship.

Are you a hat kind of girl? Then the helmet of salvation is the solution. Leaving your
head exposed to danger can be your immediate demise. The brain or how we think is
what keeps everything in line and understanding the knowledge of our salvation allows
us to walk fearlessly because we know the end—Christ wins; we get heaven with Him.

And for your self-defense be sure to wield the sword of the spirit. This is your only
offensive piece of wardrobe. It is using the word of God in every situation. “The word of
God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…”
(Hebrews 4:12). It
is the right word for the right moment.

And finally praying always. We have no trouble gabbing always. When faced with a
dilemma we often run to a trusted friend for support. But prayer allows us to enter any
situation whether near or far; physical or emotional. Think of how useless your phone
would be without the charger. Prayer is how we get plugged into the heavenly so we
can walk confidently in the earthly. We must stop looking at the physical fruit and
identify the spiritual root and we can only do that through prayer.

So, this year if you’re resolved to take your relationship with God up a notch then wake
up each day and reach for the perfect outfit that guarantees your success every day of
every year.

Andrea Maher

Andrea Maher is the former editor-in-chief of PARENT ABC’S a monthly magazine. Her writings have been featured in local newspapers and parenting publications nationwide. She is the author of SLAMMED: Overcoming Tragedy in the Wave of Grief, and had her book selected as FAITHBOX book of the month.

She is the executive director of the Be Still Foundation, a ministry that disseminates hope and encouragement to families in crisis. She has been married to her husband John for 43 years and has four children, and 8 grandchildren.


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